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How to equip and support the disputes lawyers of the future?

11 May 2022 | 15:45 - 16:45 (BST)
London International Disputes Week


William Hooper Moderator, Barrister, Monckton Chambers; Marily Paralika, Partner, Fieldfisher; Nigel Spencer, Professor, QMUL; Brian Stuart, Senior Managing Director, Ankura; Dr Lynda Shaw, Psychologist Neuroscientist

    What this session will cover

    This session will look at how to develop disputes lawyers of the future, with a view to providing them with a survival toolkit to accompany them on their journey. The session will be moderated by a rising star in the legal profession, who will be joined by a diverse range of speakers who will share their own views on what’s included in the survival toolkit. The topics to be covered in this session will include coaching, recruitment, the use of technology, an international perspective, and, lastly, a success story or two.