LIDW encourages membership from practitioners across the disputes community involved in litigation and arbitration in the UK courts and tribunals, as well as the providers of ancillary services to practitioners. LIDW also welcomes supporters and friends as part of its mutually supportive network exploring and contributing to the future of international dispute resolution.
Why join LIDW?
By joining LIDW, your organisation is demonstrating its support for LIDW’s mission to represent, celebrate and demonstrate London’s important role as a leading centre in the resolution of international disputes.
Who can join LIDW?
We welcome applications for membership from law firms, barristers’ chambers, arbitrators and mediators involved in litigation and arbitration in the UK courts and tribunals, and organisations providing ancillary services to litigators and barristers.
Getting involved in LIDW
London International Dispute Week provides the opportunity for members to get involved in a number of ways, including by championing LIDW’s activities and aims globally, by showcasing their expertise as part of our annual member event programme, and through a range of supporting articles and video content.
Apply for membership
Please click here to apply to join LIDW as a member, supporter or friend.
Apply now