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How can London improve its attractiveness/standing and diversity in arbitration proceedings involving African treaties/ parties?

9 May 2022 | 13:00 - 14:30 (BST)
London International Disputes Week


Emilia Onyema – Moderator, SOAS University of London; Sekai Nyambo, HKA Training Academy, Africa; Tolu Obamuroh, White & Case; Chiraag Shah, Morrison & Foerster; Kamal Shah, Stephenson Harwood; Michael Sullivan QC, One Essex Court; Robert Wheal, White & Case; Daniel Wilmot, Stewarts.

What this session will cover

The session will bring together practitioners and academics who will reflect on diversity issues in the context of international arbitration, and London’s ongoing role in Africa related disputes, with a particular focus on the capacity building role London has or might have for international arbitrations involving African treaties/ parties. What can London do to improve its standing, and the geographic diversity of the pool of arbitrators sitting, in such proceedings or the involvement of more local players and/or suitable procedures?