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Climate change litigation – what are the private and public law risks?

10 May 2021 | 18:00-19:00
London International Disputes Week


Linklaters and One Essex Court

    What this session will cover

    In this session we will discuss the private and public law risks in climate change litigation including:

    • What are the key UK litigation risks for energy majors in connection with climate change impacts? What are the legal precedents for group actions of this kind?
    • In that context, will we see the UK being used as a jurisdiction to litigate claims arising from adverse social and environmental impacts of climate change felt elsewhere? What is the scope for claims against parent companies domiciled in the UK?

    Speakers: Sa’ad Hossain QC, Barrister, One Essex Court; Rebecca James, Managing Associate, Linklaters; and David Thomas, Managing Associate, Linklaters.

    To register for this event please contact daniel.nascimento@linklaters.com